A saída do dia 03/jan não deu certo, tempo instável e com chuva. E nuvens de horizonte a horizonte.
Bom, paciência… vamos ver no decorrer da semana.
Na última saída do ano passado, seguindo a orientação do Stellarium, eu avistei a Crab Nebula. Asterismo fraquinho, fiquei até meio chateado. Uma fumacinha no meu tele… puxa, por que será que falam tanto dele. Nosso colega o Felipe, foi pesquisar depois e postou o seguinte na nossa lista:
Lembro que ontem de noite o Martins, o Leandro e o Filó sofreram para
focalizar a Crab Nebula e todo mundo ficou se perguntando porque ela
era tão famosa, já que era um objeto bem difuso e de magnitude bem
fraca. Estava lendo sobre ela no livro ‘Universe – The Definitive
Visual Guide’ e aprendi que a Crab Nebula é o resto de uma supernova
que era muito visível em 1054. A Crab Nebula também foi o primeiro
objeto catalogado por Charles Messier e é o único objeto resultante de
uma supernova listado por Messier.
Da Wikipedia:
First observed in 1731 by John Bevis, the Crab Nebula corresponds to
the bright SN 1054 supernova that was recorded by Chinese and Arab
astronomers in 1054. The nebula was independently rediscovered in 1758
by Charles Messier as he was observing a bright comet. Messier
catalogued it as the first entry in his catalogue of comet-like
objects. The Earl of Rosse observed the nebula at Birr Castle in the
1840s, and referred to the object as the Crab Nebula because a drawing
he made of it looked like a crab.[4]
In the early 20th century, the analysis of early photographs of the
nebula taken several years apart revealed that it was expanding.
Tracing the expansion back revealed that the nebula must have become
visible on Earth about 900 years ago. Historical records revealed that
a new star bright enough to be seen in the daytime had been recorded
in the same part of the sky by Chinese and Arab astronomers in
1054[5][6] Given its great distance, the daytime “guest star” observed
by the Chinese and Arabs could only have been a supernova—a massive,
exploding star, having exhausted its supply of energy from nuclear
fusion and collapsed in on itself.
Recent analysis of historical records have found that the supernova
that created the Crab Nebula probably appeared in April or early May,
rising to its maximum brightness of between apparent magnitude −7 and
−4.5 (brighter than everything in the night sky except the Moon) by
July. The supernova was visible to the naked eye for about two years
after its first observation.[7] Thanks to the recorded observations of
Far Eastern and Middle Eastern astronomers of 1054, Crab Nebula became
the first astronomical object recognized as being connected to a
supernova explosion.[6]
M1 Crab nebula
Muito legal a informação Felipe. Obrigado pela aula 🙂