Cometa C/2009 P1 (Garradd)


Na linha M57, M56, Albireo, M27 e Garradd. Em Delphinus.
Cometas C/2009 P1 (Garradd) 2011-08-17 22h19m24s Magnitude: 8.3
Comprimento estimado da cauda: 0.02au ref: 2/2011-08-27 Altitude:+39º52′
Elevação: 18h39m / Culminação: 0h10m / Ocaso: 5h38m

Localização – Abra em outra aba



Now it is 7.4 mag (Aug. 10, Jakub Cerny). It keeps so bright as 6-8 mag for a long time from 2011 to 2012, and will be observable in good condition in the Northern Hemisphere. In the Southern Hemisphere, it keeps observable in good condition until October when it brightens up to 6.5 mag.